Surviving The Night: Hangover Cures Every 20-Something Should Know

Come on in, we won’t judge.

If you’re reading this it’s probably because you got too drunk last night and the day-after effects are hitting you like a truck. Or perhaps you’re reading this before the next night out, as a preemptive strike. Regardless of your situation, we’re here to help you tackle that nuisance of a hangover. 

Hangovers can be a not-so-lit side effect of drinking, and they have a way of making you swear off alcohol forever (at least until the next weekend rolls around).

While there’s no one way to completely fix a hangover, there are a few things you can do to manage the side effects, and to prevent one from happening altogether. I’ve assembled the five best ways to cure and prevent a hangover, backed by experts and my personal experience surviving one too many tequila shots.

5 Best Ways To Cure A Hangover

1. Stay Hydrated:

Between the shots and chasers, staying hydrated can be a real challenge. Let's be real; sipping water in the club isn't exactly the life of the party.

But when you wake up with a pounding headache, your main priority should be rehydration. You need to drink lots of water, sports drinks, or even coconut water to replace lost electrolytes (my personal go-to is Pedialyte). Staying hydrated helps flush out toxins and speeds up your recovery.

2. Get Rest:

While nursing a hangover, getting a few extra hours of rest allows your body to repair and regenerate, helping you bounce back quicker. Just a heads up, though, spending the whole day in bed might not be the best move – too much sleep can leave you feeling groggy and potentially worse off.

3. Eat Greasy Foods:

There’s nothing quite like eating a greasy bacon, egg, and cheese as a hangover breakfast, and luckily it’s (kinda) healthy. Okay, not really, but experts from Harvard Health suggest consuming foods with carbohydrates can help your body replenish lost blood sugar. This isn't a green light for a junk food binge, but when it comes to battling a hangover, I vouch for anything greasy and crispy.

4. Take Pain Relievers:

Ibuprofen or aspirin works for regular headaches, and a hangover headache is no different. Over-the-counter pain relievers can help alleviate the headache and body aches that often accompany a hangover. It's essential, though, to avoid acetaminophen (Tylenol) – it's an extra load for your liver, and it’s already fighting for its life trying to break down last night’s alcohol.

5. Get Outside or Exercise:

I know you probably don’t want to hear this, but get that ass up! While it might feel good to lay in a fetal position all day while the room spins around, some light physical activity can alleviate hangover symptoms. Try taking a walk in some fresh air or engaging in some gentle yoga. 

How to prevent hangovers: Tips for Your Next Night Out

Sip Slowly and Don't Go Empty-Stomached: Take it easy, and make sure your belly's not running on empty. 

Keep It in Check: It’s important to know your limit. While the effects of alcohol are different for everybody, you should know how many drinks are enough for you. Harvard Health recommends ladies should stick to one drink a day, while fellas can handle two. A drink means a 1.5 fl. oz shot with about 40% alcohol, a 5-ounce glass of wine with around 12% alcohol, or 12 fl. oz of beer. 

Hydrate: Alternate between an alcoholic drink and a glass of water.

Hopefully, you’re feeling better by the end of this and you’re well prepared for the next round of shots!


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